CS 180: Project 2, Steven Luo


In this project, we use filters to do cool things with images and convolutions, and explore hybrid image creation, image sharpening and multi-resolution blending with Gaussian and Laplacian stacks.

Part 1: Fun with Filters

1.1: Finite Difference Operator

How do we take the derivative (a continuous operation) of an image (a discrete space)? We can use the finite difference operator to estimate the image derivative, with an operator in each direction:


Finite difference operators.

By convolving the image with D_x and D_y, we effectively get the partial derivative showing changes in the vertical and horizontal directions. With this, we know the gradient, which we can use to calculate the edge strength (aka the gradient magnitude) by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of the partial derivatives:

edge strength

Edge strength formula.

Let’s see the finite difference operator in action! Using an image of a cameraman, I convolve this with D_x and D_y to show the changes in each direction. For convolutions, I use scipy.signal.convolve2d with mode = "same".

cameraman dx dy

Original cameraman photo, convolved with D_x, convolved with D_y.

Next, I compute the gradient magnitude image, and turn this into an edge image by binarizing it with some threshold. After experimenting with a range of values, I found that using 0.25 as my threshold created the best-looking edge image. Setting a threshold allows us to binarize the gradient magnitude image while controlling how sensitive the image is to noise.

cameraman dx dy dy

Gradient magnitude image, edge image with threshold 0.10, threshold 0.25, threshold 0.50. The edge image with threshold = 0.25 best balanced noise removal and preserving image detail.

1.2: Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

If we look at the above images, we can clearly see a lot of noise! We can use a low-pass filter to remove noise since it’s a high-frequency component. We convolve our image with a Gaussian to smooth it and get rid of the noise, and along the way, I’ll show how the associativity and communitivity of the convolution operation allow us to discover the same result using a different order of operations.

To create my Gaussian filter, I used cv2.getGaussianKernel with kernel_size = 10 and sigma = kernel_size / 6 (as discussed in lecture), and took the outer product of this with itself. Convolving our original image with our Gaussian filter gives us a smoother image and new partial derivatives.

cameraman img

Original image, smoothed image.

With some tuning, I found that the best threshold for this edge image was 0.055.

Smoothed image convolved with D_x.
Smoothed image convolved with D_y.
Gradient magnitude image.
Edge image with threshold=0.055

Some changes I noticed: the binarized edges are thicker and rounder than in that of the non-smoothed edge image; there’s significantly less noise outside of the edge areas (like underneath the camera and in the grass); we lost some of the camera’s fine detail.

Now, we use the derivative of Gaussian filters to do the same thing. We first convolve D_x or D_y with the Gaussian, then convolve the result with the image.

Smoothed image convolved with derivative of Gaussian filter (D_x).
Smoothed image convolved with derivative of Gaussian filter (D_y).
Gradient magnitude image.
Edge image with threshold=0.055

The images are the same! In our first method, we are doing (A * D_x) * G where A is the original image, D_x is one of our finite difference operators, and G is the Gaussian filter. In our second method, we change the order by doing A * (D_x * G), and our result shows that we get the same result. We would get the same result by doing (G * D_x) * A by commutivity and associativity of the convolution. These posts helped me when I was taking EECS126!

Here’s what the derivative of Gaussian filters look like:

cameraman img

DoG filter in the x- and y-directions.

They’re very small — only a 10x10 kernel!

Part 2: Fun with Frequencies!

2.1: Image “Sharpening”

Image sharpening makes the edges in an image more noticeable by accentuating the high-frequency components. I implement this technique by subtracting the Gaussian filter-blurred image from the original, giving us the high frequencies of the image. The Gaussian filter works because it is a low pass filter: convolving the Gaussian with an image results in the low frequencies, so subtracting the low frequencies from the original image gives us the high frequencies. By scaling our isolated high frequencies and recombining it back into the original, we get a sharpened image. We express this mathematically as:

Sharpened Image = Original Image + α(Original Image - Low-Pass Filtered Image)

α is a multiplier that controls the sharpness of the resulting image. Higher α’s result in more heavily sharpened images.

Image 1
Original Taj
Image 2
Sharpened Taj: k=10, σ=10/6, α=2
Image 3
High frequencies
Image 1
Original Pocky the cat
Image 2
Sharpened Pocky: k=75, σ=15, α=4
Image 3
High frequencies
Image 1
Original kittens
Image 2
Sharpened kittens: k=100, σ=25, α=2
Image 3
High frequencies
Image 1
Original 喜羊羊
Image 2
Sharpened 喜羊羊: k=10, σ=2, α=2
Image 3
High frequencies

Some of these images did not sharpen very well (specifically Pocky). I suspect it was because of my choice of Gaussian filter parameters and by the nature of the composition of the image - everything is already pretty fuzzy so isolating high frequencies would be harder.

For evaluation, I took a sharpened image, blurred it, and tried to sharpen it again.

cameraman img

Original house, Sharpened house: k=10, σ=10/6, α=2

cameraman img

Blurred then sharpened house: k=10, σ=10/6, α=2; High frequencies

cameraman img

α=4; α=16

No matter how we adjust alpha, the resulting image is not as good as the original. In this case, we lose the “warmness” and “roundness” of parts of the house (especially on the cobblestone, by the waves, and the candle glow), and amping up the high frequencies does not replace what the blur took away. I also noticed that when I sharpened the image using the high frequencies of the original, I saw a bigger change in the image than when sharpening with the details of the blurred image. This shows how we cannot rely on our sharpening technique to undo an image blur if we do not have the details from the original image.

2.2: Hybrid Images

To create a hybrid image, we combine a low pass filtered image (only low frequencies remain) with a high pass filtered image (only high frequencies remain). These images are static, appear to change as the viewing distance changes. Though high frequencies tend to dominate perception, at a distance only the low frequency part of the signal can be seen. By blending the high frequency portion of one image with the low-frequency portion of another, you get a hybrid image that leads to different interpretations at different distances.

I started with the provided images of Derek.jpg and Nutmeg.jpg, using the provided alignment code then low-passing Derek and high-passing Nutmeg (by subtracting the low-frequencies out of the original image). I used a kernel size of 50 for both Gaussian filters, but settled on sigma = 12 for the low pass and sigma = 10 for the high pass after some tuning. By averaging the results, I made this hybric image:

Image 1
Aligned Derek
Image 2
Image 2
Low-passed Derek
Image 1
Aligned Nutmeg
Image 2
High-passed Nutmeg

Some other photos I made:

Articuno + Pidgey: kernel_size = 30 low_sigma = 2, high_sigma = 8

Image 1
Image 2
Image 2

This one didn’t turn out that well: I could have tuned the Gaussian parameters and cutoff frequency better, but I think the bigger issue is that the proportions of the images don’t match up and the contrasting colors are visually too contrasting, making it hard for them to “blend” into a hybrid image.

Happy + Sad: kernel_size = 30 low_sigma = 15, high_sigma = 5

Image 1
Sad face
Image 2
Happy face
Image 2

This one also didn’t turn out that well: the features on each image are so distinct it’s not possible to line one set of features up without ruining another (i.e. I aligned based on the circle, at the cost of misaligned eyes). Tweaking Gaussian parameters on the high-passed image might help it blend in a bit better, but I’m not convinced that it’ll solve the structural issues of very discrete shapes in the image.

Charli XCX + Lorde: kernel_size = 30 low_sigma = 2, high_sigma = 4

Image 1
Charli XCX
Image 2
Image 2

I really like how this one turned out — thanks to my friend for the suggestion!

Magikarp + Feebas: kernel_size = 30 low_sigma = 2, high_sigma = 2

Image 1
Image 2
Image 2

Sather Gate, then and now: kernel_size = 30 low_sigma = 3, high_sigma = 10

Image 1
Sather Gate (old)
Image 2
Sather Gate (recent)
Image 2

This one was really interesting, because you can see how students now walk on the same path through the gate that the Free Speech Movement protestors demonstrated by.

Favorite Result: Donald Swift? kernel_size = 30 low_sigma = 6, high_sigma = 6

Creepy or cool… you be the judge! Frequency analysis is below (log magnitudes of the Fourier transform are shown).

Image 1
Donald Trump
Image 2
Taylor Swift
Image 2
Image 1
Aligned Taylor
Image 2
Aligned Donald
Image 2
Image 1
Aligned Taylor FFT
Image 2
Aligned Donald FFT
Image 2
Hybrid FFT
Image 1
High-passed Taylor
Image 2
Low-passed Donald
Image 1
High-passed Taylor FFT
Image 2
Low-passed Donald FFT

Bells & Whistles: I used color to enhance the effect of the hybrid image. I tried using color for both, then only the high or the low frequency image, and I found that using color for either both components or the low frequency component only worked best. When you filter an image to only its highest frequencies, you eliminate most of the visible color spectrum, which is why I suspect using color on the high frequency image doesn’t make much of a difference. For future improvement, I would crop the images better.

Image 1
High frequency color only
Image 2
Low frequency color only
Image 2

Multi-resolution Blending and the Oraple Journey

2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

I implemented Gaussian and Laplacian stacks. Layers in the Gaussian stack are created by convolving the previous layer with a Gaussian filter, initializing the stack with the original image. Laplacian stack layers are the difference between successive layers in the Gaussian stack. I was careful to avoid off-by-one errors in my implementation, and especially so when using the Gaussian stack created from the mask. I found the project-referenced paper Burt and Adelson (1983) and lecture slides visualizing the stacks to be helpful while building my implementation. These stacks allow us to blend images without the “ghosting” we see as a result of alpha blending.

For the oraple, my parameters were: 8 layers, kernel size = 30, sigma = 5.

Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks of Apple:


Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks of Orange:


Recreation of Figure 3.42: the first three rows show the high, medium, and low-frequency parts of the Laplacian stack (taken from levels 0, 2, and 4 respectively). The left and middle columns show the original apple and orange images convolved with the corresponding layer from the mask Gaussian stack, while the right column shows the combined image. The last row is the result of flattening the stack on the left half, right half, and combined images respectively.


A more intuitive way to think about combining the images in the stack is as follows: we squash the columns rightwards to get the image in the last column, and we can squash the rows downwards to get the image in the last row. Note that by summing the Laplacian stack of an image, we can recover the original!

2.4: Multiresolution Blending (a.k.a. the oraple!)

My blended images can be found below. I use a Gaussian filter with kernel_size = 30 and sigma = 5 to create the Gaussian stack for the input images, but in some cases I instead use a larger filter on the masks for a stronger blur effect (specifically on the oraple, where I use kernel_size = 50 and sigma = 25 to create the mask Gaussian stack only).


Image 1
Image 2
Image 2




Image 1
Kamala Harris
Image 2
Donald Trump
Image 2

Oraple! Oraple!

Kamala Trump, Donald Harris

Charli the Apple?

Image 1
Charli XCX
Image 2
Image 2


Charli Apple (is this brat?)

Does SF City Hall really look like the U.S. Congress?

Image 1
San Francisco City Hall
Image 2
Image 2


California, D.C.?

The proportions and shapes of the two buildings and images were a bit different, so this was hard to blend well and I don’t count this as a total success. I do see the resemblance, though!

Campanile @ Stanford:

Image 1
Campanile (Berkeley)
Image 2
Hoover Tower (Stanford)
Image 2


Stanford looks a lot cooler here...

The Laplacian stack generated during this process is below. The first column is of the Hoover Tower image Laplacians after convolving with the mask, the second column is of the Campanile, the third column is the layer-combined image, and the fourth column is the corresponding mask from the mask’s Gaussian stack. The last row consists of stack-combined images (except the fourth column where the mask is just the original mask).


I tried to find an image of Stanford’s Hoover Tower at a similar angle on a clearer day, but somehow couldn’t anywhere online! The backgrounds would have blended much more nicely.

Bells & Whistles: The color images are shown above, and are significantly more appealing than the grayscale versions.

A note on setting filter sizes: for this project, I took Prof. Efros’ advice from lecture that a general rule of thumb for setting Gaussian filter sizes is that the filter half-width should be about 3 * σ (also in the “Convolution and Image Derivatives” lecture).


I had a lot of fun picking images and blending them together. The most important thing I learned from this project is that the frequencies in an image really affect our perception and understanding of what we see, and that image editing is a lot harder than it looks. Also, having the tools to superimpose images onto other images gives a lot of power (and responsibility) to the user, and makes me think more about how higher-tech parallels (like deepfakes) interact with society and how we perceive our visual surroundings. I got to make a lot of silly images to share, though!